SAMBA TOURÉ – The guitar sound of Sahel
Et friskt og kraftfuldt bud på rytmisk samtidsmusik fra Mali.
Samba Touré er både en sofistikeret guitarist og en gribende vokalist. Han viderefører arven fra den legendariske Ali Farka Touré, som han turnerede verden rundt med, inden han gik solo. Samba Touré’s music is characterized by hypnotic guitar grooves radiating with the intensity of the desert sun. He is celebrated for his distinctive style that not only mirrors but also elevates the enduring legacy of the legendary Ali Farka Touré, with whom he toured worldwide.
Samba Touré er både en sofistikeret guitarist og en gribende vokalist. Han viderefører arven fra den legendariske Ali Farka Touré, som han turnerede verden rundt med, inden han gik solo. Samba Touré’s music is characterized by hypnotic guitar grooves radiating with the intensity of the desert sun. He is celebrated for his distinctive style that not only mirrors but also elevates the enduring legacy of the legendary Ali Farka Touré, with whom he toured worldwide.
“If this fine album was for the name of a different Touré, it would rank alongside the best of Ali Farkas’ legacy. And there really can be no higher praise than that” – 8/10 Uncut
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