
Jazz at The Living Room Feat. Marie Mørck & Jonas Due // Sønderborg Musikskole

  • Dato: marts 9, 2025
  • Start: 15.00
  • Type: Siddeplads
  • Sted: Sønderborg Musikskole,
  • Pris forsalg: 70 - 120 kr.
Den Sønderjyske Hustrio welcomes you to “Jazz At The Living Room” #15.
This time we present:

Marie Mørck “lyden af et lysende ungt jazz-vokal talent” (Mads Kornum, allthat.dk) Sangerinde og komponist Marie Mørck er et af de helt store stjerneskud på den danske jazzscene. Efter en stærk debut med pladen “Fooling Around” (2019), som blev nomineret i kategorien “årets vokaludgivelse” til DMA 2020, har hun for alvor markeret sig som en fremtrædende artist. Opfølgeren “Songs to Comfort” (2023) har ligeledes høstet stor anerkendelse på bl.a. P8, hvor pladen blev udråbt som ugens album. I den forbindelse gav radiovært Niels Christian Cederberg nogle ord med på vejen:

“Vi har fået en ny, stærk stemme på jazzscenen herhjemme.
[..] hun er en utroligt original stemme. [..] Hun omgiver sig med de fedeste skandinaviske musikere, der findes lige nu, og så skriver hun stort set al musikken på det her album. Det er en eksplosiv kombination.
Hun har en lys, klokkeklar, nordisk vokal, som går lige i hjertekulen, når du lytter. […]”

Marie Mørck optræder meget på de danske jazzklubber, men har også turneret vidt og bredt i blandt andet Kina, Frankrig, Tyskland, Baltikum og Sverige. Marie Mørck har skrevet størstedelen af sangene på begge sine hidtidige albums. Senest har hun været i studiet i efteråret 2024, hvor hun har indspillet sin kommende EP “My One And Only Love”, i selskab med Magnus Hjorth, Lasse Mørck og Snorre Kirk. EP’en indeholder nøje udvalgte jazzstandarder i nye arrangementer.

Marie Mørcks musik har stor succes på streamingtjenester, og titelsangen for “Songs to Comfort” har p.t. 450.000 afspilninger på Spotify.

Jonas Due is a danish trumpet player and a growing persona on the vibrant music scene of Copenhagen. Whilst truly dedicated to his instrument he shows his skills through exciting improvisations and compelling compositions flavored by neo soul, mainstream jazz and avant-garde. Born 1993 into a musically family Jonas picked up the cornet at the age of five and was through his childhood exposed to recordings by artists such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington and Oscar Peterson and he quickly found himself playing in local bands and orchestras. In 2011 he entered pre-conservatory in Aarhus where he studied with trumpeter and composer Jakob Buchanan. At this point he had already started to dig deeper into the world of composition and arrangement while continuously working on mastering the trumpet. Before graduating from the Rhythmic Conservatory (Copenhagen Denmark) Jonas had already been touring in most of europe, U.S.A. and Japan and studied with artists such as Ambrose Akinmusire, Jason Moran, Tomasz Stanko, Dave Douglas and Tim Hagans. After graduating form conservatory in 2017 he has been a active member of the growing mainstream jazz scene in Copenhagen. Despited his clear dedication to the afro-american music Due can often be found in projects of other genres, always with a true deepclear mellow trumpet tone and sensitive lyrical language.

Den Sønderjyske Hustrio:

Steffan Grarup – piano
Niels Præstholm – bass
Chris Falkenberg – drums & electronics
Come out and support live music!
And for those who haven’t watched the concerts before, Den Sønderjyske Hustrio are once a month inviting some of the best musicians in Denmark and Europe to come and play with the trio. They are constantly exploring the new musical space that emerges with a different musician each month.
Door opens 2.30 pm.
Concert start 3 pm.
Livestream 3.45 pm.
More info on www.creativemusic.dk